Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On the move

 We've moved a couple of times. We stopped in Arco, Idaho at Mountain View RV Park for 5 days.  It was a really nice park in a dead town. It had a BBQ restaurant in the park and had THE best ribs I've had in years! Peggy had a huge baked potato with pulled pork and cheese on it.
The BBQ restaurant and check-in office. The only bad thing was, we were going to eat there again on Sunday, but it was closed, bummer.

We've moved to Caldwell to one of our favorite parks, The Ambassador G7 resort. It has huge lots, a pool and a great dog park not far away. I think this is the third time we've been here. The last time was in 2019 and across the street was a huge farm. Now it's all built up with a huge supply store, a Maverick gas station and a new credit union. The road was a 2 lane road, but now they're making it a 4 lane. All the construction makes it kind of hard to drive around. But it's nice to be in a bigger city. We've been to too many small towns with nothing in them.

We've installed a new on-demand water heater. The old one was leaking and stopped working on electric, so it was time to go.

I just used it for the first time and it worked great.

We stayed in Virginia City in Montana for a week. The park was nice and clean, but the black flies were pretty bad. Reminds me of the UP. In Ennis, a short drive away, we stopped at the Silver Dollar bar and met Neil Rackers a retired NFL kicker from Arizona Cardinals. Pretty nice guy.

He didn't look like a kicker, but he was in great shape. He was there to Fly fish in the Madison River. 

We also met a nice couple traveling on their motorcycle. Skip and Sheli. It's so fun meeting new people all over the country.

 We really like Ennis. It's a nice little town with a lot of good places to go. I think next year we may stay here for a month.

When I was taking Katie for a walk we saw a moose and it's calf. The good thing was, it ran into the woods and not at us.  
Virginia City is an old mining town that never burned down, so lots of history here.

They have these old store fronts that you can look into and see how people lived way back then. Very interesting.

I forgot what park this is in, but it looks like we're having fun.

Miner sculpture in Ennis.

BGE Picture of the Blog.

The street view from the Silver Dollar.

Live Happy and Always Go Big.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Crazy Park

 We stayed a week at Cedar Bay RV Park just north of Soda Springs, ID. This is a Crazy Park, Crazy Fun! We had a nice site. Happy hour at 5 pm was a lot of fun, Tons of different shots. We turned them on to Little Beers. They ordered 48 mini beer glasses for everyone. They couldn't find 43 Licor in town, but someone was coming up later in the week and is bringing up some 43 to save the day. Oh, and they liked 1921 too.

Little Beers happy hour! Little Beers are always a big hit!
Lori, the park owner after about 4 shots of 1921. She runs a nice little cafe in the park. We went to breakfast one morning and it was good food.

Our site at Cedar Bay. You could see the Blackfoot reservoir. Katie loved this park as she had lots of good dogs to play with. She could free style (not tied up). 

You can see we were parked right next to the cafe and office. Only a 30 amp service but it worked great.

View from our site.

Moose 😉up on the hill outside the park.

In Soda Spring they have a man made Geyser in town. It goes off every hour on the hour or so. It all depends if the guy pushes the button on time.

It's right behind Porters bar where we were having lunch one day. I had one of the best french dips ever. So good we went back a couple of days later to get another one.

This sign is true.
On the way to town we go thru open range, so cattle can be on the road.

BGE Picture of the Blog.

Peggy trying the syringe jello shots.

 Live Happy and Always Go Big.