Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Just Having Fun

 Today the weather is great with a high of 82, sunny, with no wind. That's why we are here.

We added a new camera to keep an eye on the place when we're gone. Only cost $56.00. We previously installed two in our neighbor's yard and they work pretty well. They can keep an eye on their place while they are home in Canada.

It has a solar panel on it so you don't have to run any cables to it. It rotates 360 degrees, has sound and lights. Works great. It only took me 1 hour to set up and mount.

This is the view it has looking to the street.

This is the view of the other camera mounted on the shed.

We have tons of hummingbirds that just hang around all year. They fly right up to the table, even if you're sitting there.

Katie loves our mail lady! She gives her a treat every time she goes by.

Here she is hiding one of her treats in her toy box. It's so funny to see her do that.

Here she is getting the treat out of her toy box later.

We checked out a new place here in Yuma, "Pour Behavior". We are going on Friday to have lunch with the gang. It looks a little pricey but it's that way everywhere now. So let's just go for it! It's an old bar but they rebuilt the whole place. Now it's pretty classy. We'll see.
We went to the RV park party for the Super Bowl. I ran 7 boards, $750 total. I won $100, but I think I had invested $60. So I only won $40😏.

BGE Picture of the Blog.

Katie is just relaxing on the steps keeping an eye on the yard.

Live Happy and Always Go Big.



Saturday, January 11, 2025


 Wow, it's 2025! OMG time flies. We've been full time for over 10 years already. 

We got our last BIG project done. We recovered the driver seat in the RV. Active RV Upholstery did a great job. The RV industry had a problem with the upholstery in a lot of motorhomes and we got one.

But it looks good now. Peggy and I took it out and put it back in. It was a good "team work" job. She didn't kill me.😏

The weather has cooled down a little bit, but we still have our 2 o'clock happy hours on Sunday. We just move the table into the sun to warm up a bit.

Bolo comes to Happy hour but he doesn't play with Katie and Gracie.

We had a great holiday season. Sarge came riding by with his Santa suit on and looked like he was having fun riding around.

We saw some hop lights in Buck Bald Brewery in North Carolina.
 They were selling them for $200, but I found some on Amazon that look just as good for $36. You have to put them together, but that's the fun part of it. I think they look great and they work great in the shed. I installed them on a smart switch so they come on and off automatically.

It took about an hour to put them together and I installed a 9 watt Green LED light in them.

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Katie approves our new cabinet.

Live Happy and Always Go Big. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Another Project Done

 The weather has been great! Today December, 6 it's going to be 81. This is fantastic. 

We got another big project done. We took the small couch out and installed a cabinet so we have more storage. Nobody ever sat on that couch, we just threw junk on it. One more big project to go.

Looks good and works great. It took about 3 hours to put together outside then move it inside. 

Katie was helping us put the cabinet together. 
We can buy more stuff now!

Another small project was changing the lights in the shed to these "As seen on TV" light fans. They work well. 

I fixed my Big Green Egg clock, the neon had stopped working. I found a repair kit on Amazon to fix it. I love Amazon, click click and it's here in a day or two.

We had a tasty Thanksgiving turkey on the Big Green Egg again! Got a 10 pounder at Fry's. Made a ton of stuffing and Peggy's famous gravy and a green bean casserole.

Not so fun was going to the Dermatologist in Phoenix. They beat me up a little, but everything is good. 

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Getting in a couple of rounds of golf with my buddy, Clarence and I do love the socks!

Live Happy and Always Go Big. 


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Back to our winter home

 We made it back to our winter home and it's been really hot. It was 116 degrees the other day. We just have to stay in the motorhome to stay cool. Today it's only going to 106. But it's nice to be back. We drove 4517 miles, spent $2058 in fuel, $8378 in RV parks at 26 different parks. 

We got one major project done already. We got a new floor installed in the motorhome.

Frank did a great job. This is the third time he has done work for us.

Removed the plank flooring. It took them two days to finish the job.

Katie playing with Frank as they are cutting the vinyl flooring to install it.
We went to Virginia City in Nevada before we left Reno. It's a nice old mining town up in the mountains. This is the town mayor's car. 

The town has some great old bars, this is the Delta Saloon. Lots of history here in Virginia City. There were silver mines back in the 1890s.

A lot of people dress in clothes from the 1800s. This guy came riding his bike thru the bar.

On the way to Virginia City we could see the Davis fire across the valley. It was over 5000 acres and burned for a week. 

We stopped one night in Beatty, Nevada at the Space Station RV Park. It has some wild burros in the park and town. We walked down to the local pub, The Hungry Burro and had a good time with the locals. We will stop here again some time. 
We stopped in Bullhead City for three days but we didn't take any pictures as we've been there so many times.

But now, here we are, out to lunch with our neighbors and friends at Lutes Casino in downtown Yuma.

Katie is glad to be back home and be able to freestyle and run free in her yard.
Getting the trees trimmed in the neighbors yard. Looks way better after they got done.

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Peggy and Katie are on our new couch in Reno.

Live Happy and Always Go Big.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Whirl-Wind Drive

 We stayed in Turtle Rock RV Park in Gold Beach on the coast for 2 weeks. We like this park. It has a Mexican restaurant in the park and the food was very good. Then right across the street there's Hunter's Tavern and Arch Brewery next to that. So we like this park a lot.

Our site at Turtle Rock. It was a little cool here on the coast. But we had pretty good weather it only rained for 2 days. Katie doesn't like rain too much. It was hard to get her to go outside in the rain. The drive to get here from Newport was way too long. Next time we'll make a stop half way.

You can walk to the beach from the park. Katie loves the beach. She likes to run on the beach. This day it was hot about 70. This is Turtle Rock.

We liked a nice little bar in Gold Beach, The Sea Star Spirit House. This is Miranda, the soon to be, proud owner of the bar. Good for her.

Then our next stop was in Arcata, CA at Mad River RV Park. We have been to this park way back in 2016. It's a nice park that also has a Mexican Restaurant right next to it. We only stayed 2 nights.

Then we did the drive from hell! Do not EVER take CA36 from the coast to the valley. It was my fault we took it but we'll never do it again! It was winding, narrow and up and down the mountains. The road from Hell!

 There are Redwood trees growing very close to the road. It was really scary. There was one tree that had a notch in it from getting hit so many times. 

Then we stayed one night in the KOA in Red Bluff. We really don't like KOA parks. Too expensive. Our next stop was at Eagle Lake RV Park in Spalding, CA. A nice park but a really bad 35 mile road to get to it. We would stay here again. 

Our site at Eagle Lake. We had a nice back in site with an American Legion post right behind us. It was Sunday so it was closed. So now we are in Sparks Marina RV Park in Reno. Slowly making our way to our winter home.

We've stayed here before. It's a nice park. Maybe the sites are a little small. But we still like it.

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The Mad Dog Tavern across the street from Sawyer's Landing RV Park. 

Live Happy and Always Go Big.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

On the Coast

 We've stopped in Silverton, OR at Silver Spur RV Park. We made this reservation in March. They gave us the crappiest site we have had all year. The site was not level from front to back or side to side. I couldn't even get the BGE level and our site was right next to a really noisy road. We put this park on the DNGTA list (do not go to again)! We like the town though. We went to MT. Angel, a nice little Bavarian Village. Kind of like Frankenmuth.  We stopped at MT. Angel Sausage company and I went crazy. They had a meat sale!

If you can't find a sausage that you like they don't make it. A great selection of all kinds of sausage!

And right around the corner is Tiny's Tavern. A nice old time tavern. They even had Hams on tap. We also stopped at The Benedictine Brewery. The funny thing there was one of the doors had a problem with the lock. The bartender came over to help some people get out and said that one of the Monks had been trying to fix it but it still has a problem.  
We also found the Wooden Nickle a nice bar with good food. This is Sam the bartender. She got a nice Koozie.

Now we're in Newport, OR (Old Yaquina City). We found a "new to us" RV park RIGHT on the Yaquina River. This is one of the best sites we've had all year!

Having morning coffee watching some baby seals playing around right in front of us. We're going to try this place next year for a month. One of the best things about this park is the Mad Dog Country Tavern right across the street.

The view from the Mad Dog.

We hooked up with our friend Dennis. We met him here in Newport a bunch of years ago. Good to see him.

Of course the first place we go to is The World Famous Barge Inn. They have the best double Bacon Cheese Burger you can get. We have been there twice already! 

There are tuna fishing boat docks here at the park. I guess they have to go out 70 miles to get any tuna, the water has to be 64 degrees.

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Peggy, Katie and I at Mother Earth Brewery having a cream ale.

Live Happy and Always Go Big.