Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Whirl-Wind Drive

 We stayed in Turtle Rock RV Park in Gold Beach on the coast for 2 weeks. We like this park. It has a Mexican restaurant in the park and the food was very good. Then right across the street there's Hunter's Tavern and Arch Brewery next to that. So we like this park a lot.

Our site at Turtle Rock. It was a little cool here on the coast. But we had pretty good weather it only rained for 2 days. Katie doesn't like rain too much. It was hard to get her to go outside in the rain. The drive to get here from Newport was way too long. Next time we'll make a stop half way.

You can walk to the beach from the park. Katie loves the beach. She likes to run on the beach. This day it was hot about 70. This is Turtle Rock.

We liked a nice little bar in Gold Beach, The Sea Star Spirit House. This is Miranda, the soon to be, proud owner of the bar. Good for her.

Then our next stop was in Arcata, CA at Mad River RV Park. We have been to this park way back in 2016. It's a nice park that also has a Mexican Restaurant right next to it. We only stayed 2 nights.

Then we did the drive from hell! Do not EVER take CA36 from the coast to the valley. It was my fault we took it but we'll never do it again! It was winding, narrow and up and down the mountains. The road from Hell!

 There are Redwood trees growing very close to the road. It was really scary. There was one tree that had a notch in it from getting hit so many times. 

Then we stayed one night in the KOA in Red Bluff. We really don't like KOA parks. Too expensive. Our next stop was at Eagle Lake RV Park in Spalding, CA. A nice park but a really bad 35 mile road to get to it. We would stay here again. 

Our site at Eagle Lake. We had a nice back in site with an American Legion post right behind us. It was Sunday so it was closed. So now we are in Sparks Marina RV Park in Reno. Slowly making our way to our winter home.

We've stayed here before. It's a nice park. Maybe the sites are a little small. But we still like it.

   BGE Picture of the Blog.

The Mad Dog Tavern across the street from Sawyer's Landing RV Park. 

Live Happy and Always Go Big.

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