Thursday, October 24, 2019

Phase II

Phase II is done. We got a 10x20 shed delivered last Thursday. It was a pretty cool machine he used to unload it.
He had two on the trailer. So he dropped ours in the street.
He put a set of wheels under one end, then this cool little machine on the other end. 
He drove it into the lot and had it in place in about 10 minutes.
This is much nicer then the old sheds.
Now all the work starts.
After about ten trips to the hardware I got it done in six days. 
Only had two little leaks in my plumbing. The laundry is up and running.
All in place. Phase III to come in two weeks. Wait and see.
Look at this Cactus Flower. It comes out for one day, then it's gone. All the bees love it.
Don't get too close, you could get picked or stung by the bee's.

BGE Picture of the BLOG.
I think I smoked the best brisket I've ever made!

Live Happy and Always Go Big.


  1. Wow where did you get all the stuff in the shed already!!!

  2. Wow,that's a great shed! Where's the toilet and shower?

  3. Got deleted. Could not get a contractor to build it.


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